
Reclaiming English Studies in Romania Conference-Disseminating the results to the specialised public

Reclaiming English Studies in Romania Conference-Disseminating the results to the specialised public


 The University of Bucharest has organised the conference Reclaiming English Studies in Romania, included in the PA16-RO12-SGS-3/16.03.2015 project, undertaken in partnership with the Romanian Academy Library and funded through the SEE Grants, in line with the "Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural Heritage" programme. 



During the conference, the speeches of prof.dr. Irina Grigorescu Pană, the keynote invited from the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, specialised in British and American literature, prof.dr. Lidia Vianu and assist.dr. Eliana Ionoaia revealed the objectives and benefits of the project for the specialised public.



The general objective of the project Reclaiming English Studies in Romania resides in the protection, capitalisation, and promotion of the written cultural heritage in the field of English Studies in Romania, by identifying a documentary corpus of approximately 250 volumes, and their digitisation. These objects pertaining to the cultural heritage promote English culture and civilisation among the interested public by creating a data base and a website that will facilitate free access to these resources.



The conference took place Wednesday, March 30th, 12 pm, in the "Petre Antonescu" hall. The venue is located on the ground floor of the Faculty of Law, 36-46 Mihail Kogălniceanu Boulevard.



R.A.R – Reclaiming English Studies in Romania - Opening Conference

R.A.R – Reclaiming English Studies in Romania - Opening Conference